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Practice Areas

Estate & Wealth Transfer Planning

Estate & Wealth Transfer Planning

The firm’s estate planning practice provides for the efficient transfer of a client’s assets during life and at death to their intended beneficiaries, utilizing a broad array of tax-effective strategies.

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Estate & Trust Administration

Estate & Trust Administration

Brosnan & Associates, LLP provides experienced advice and representation to fiduciaries and beneficiaries in all aspects of the estate administration process, including probate, administration, income and estate tax advice and preparation, and informal and formal fiduciary accountings.

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Medicaid Eligibility Planning

Medicaid Eligibility Planning

The firm’s attorneys analyze the familial and financial issues of elderly clients and advise them and their families, with sensitivity and professionalism, on planning for incapacity, asset protection, Medicaid eligibility planning and guardianships.

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Guardianships & Special Needs Trusts

Guardianships & Special Needs Trusts

Consistent with the best interests of minor children and persons under disabiliities, Brosnan & Associates, LLP provides advice, representation and assistance regarding the appointment of appropriate guardians for minor children and intellectually or developmentally disabled adults.

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Business Formation & Consultation

Business Formation & Consultation

The firm represents clients in connection with the formation of privately-held corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, family-owned businesses, charitable foundations and not-for-profit corporations, and provides advice concerning the selection of the appropriate business entity.

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Real Estate

Real Estate

For several decades, our attorneys have represented and advised clients in connection with residential and commercial acquisitions, sales, leasing, financing, and the income tax consequences of such transactions, including the use of tax-deferred, like-kind exchanges pursuant to Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code.

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The attorneys of Brosnan & Associates, LLP possess extensive practical experience involving sophisticated tax planning and tax return preparation for individuals, fiduciaries and partnerships.

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