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Estate & Trust Administration

Brosnan & Associates, LLP provides experienced advice and representation to fiduciaries and beneficiaries in all aspects of the estate administration process, including probate, administration, income and estate tax advice and preparation, and informal and formal fiduciary accountings. We are thoroughly versed in all aspects of estate and trust litigation, including contested probate, administration and judicial accounting proceedings, proceedings regarding decedents’ real property, proceedings to determine the validity of trusts or to set aside invalid asset transfers or beneficiary designations, and kinship hearings. Sometimes, clients are faced with unusual issues, which require immediate action and court intervention. Our extensive experience in the Surrogate’s Court provides us with a learned perspective and the ability to serve our clients efficiently. The firm also advises fiduciaries and beneficiaries in all aspects of trust administration, including income tax considerations, and the preparation of informal and formal trustee accountings and release agreements.